课程代码:120333B Course Code:120333B
课程名称:风险理论分析 Course Name:Risk Theory Analysis
学时:48 Periods:48
学分:3 Credits:3
考核方式:考查 Assessment:Evaluation
先修课程:概率论与数理统计; Preparatory Courses:Probability and Mathematical Statistics
金融市场工具 The instruments of the Financial Markets
This course is designed to apply the theories and methodologies to the complex needs of managing financial risk in financial institutions. This course provides an introduction as well as an in-depth understanding of risk measurement. This course introduces students to principals of risk management, the principles of asset &liability management, the understanding and management of financial risk.
Through this course, the students are able to understand the fundamental concepts and tools of risk management and derivative products including swaps, forwards, futures, options and learn how to use these them in an intelligent way.