



课程代码:020802B                               Course Code020802B

课程名称:物流系统建模与仿真               Course NameModeling and Simulation of

Logistics System

学时:32                                                 Periods32

学分:2                                                   Credits2

考核方式:考查                                        AssessmentEvaluation

先修课程:高等数学、物流学                   Preparatory CoursesAdvance Mathematics,



《物流系统建模与仿真》是面向物流管理,以及生产管理和流通管理等本科生的专业课程。该课程作为仿真导论课程,介绍利用模型研究系统的方法。内容涉及:建模、仿真软件、模型校验和确认、输入数据建模、以及仿真结果与系统方案分析。该课程集理论性和应用性于一体,既涵盖系统仿真基本原理,又包括仿真软件操作指导,力图促进学生直观地理解建模与仿真。该课程的目标包括:(1)使学生掌握建模与仿真的基本理论; 2)初步掌握用仿真技术来解决物流问题的方法和技能; 3)培养学生关于抽象、建模、实验设计、仿真分析、评价和优化模型的能力; 4)强调实践教学,教授学生掌握一种实用的离散事件仿真软件的应用。

"Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Systems" is a professional course for undergraduates majoring in logistics management, as well as in production management and circulation management. This courseas an introduction to simulation, is on methods to study system by modeling. The main topic areas include: modeling, simulation software, model verification and validation, input modeling, output analysis, and simulation experiment design and analysis. It emphasizes on the combination of the theory and practical skills, covering both fundamentals of simulation theory and guidance to simulation software operations. In this way, it seeks to promote students’ intuitive understanding of modeling and simulation. The objective of the course include: (1) introduce the students on the fundamentals of modeling and simulation theory; (2) to provide students with methods and techniques to solve a logistics problem by simulation; (3) to develop students’ ability of abstracting, modeling, experiment design, simulation analysis, and evaluation and optimization; (4) to reinforce the importance of practice by exercises on a piece certain Discrete Event simulation software.